Viscofan, S.A. and subsidiaries
Consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2023

Consolidated statements of financial position

(Thousands of euros)     Notes      2023  2022
Intangible assets other than goodwill     5.1      16,957  17,649
Goodwill 5.2  3,605  3,237
Property, plant, and equipment  6  556,141  561,244
Right-of-use assets 7.1  11,577  10,580
Other non-current financial assets  10  7,561  4,344
Non-current derivatives  17  0  342
Deferred tax assets  18  47,645  29,519
Non-Current Assets  643,486  626,915
Current stocks  8  442,892  381,788
Trade and other current receivables  9  260,245  276.299
Current tax assets  18  3,649  6,140
Other current financial assets  10  911  1.582
Current derivatives  17  4,33  3,476
Cash and cash equivalents  11  51,996  51.193
Current Assets  764,023  720,478
Total Assets 1,407,509  1.347,39

Consolidated statements of financial position

(Thousands of euros)     Notes      2023  2022
Issued capital 12.1  32,550  32,550
Share premium 12.2  12  12
Other reserves 12.3  868,456  813,145
Treasury Shares 12.4  -21,671  -16,181
Profit for the year          140,962  139,43
Interim dividend 12.6  -64,563  -64,644
Valuation adjustments 12.5  2,026  2,558
Equity  957,772  906,87
Deferred income  13  806  18,102
Non-current provisions for employee benefits 14.1  25,916  22,308
Other non-current provisions 14.2  43  0
Non-current financial liabilities  16  43,979  46,980
Non-current liabilities for right-of-use assets 7.2  6,854  7,512
Non-current derivatives  17  0  3
Deferred tax liabilities  18  32,830  19,879
Non-Current Liabilities  110,428  114,784
Current financial liabilities  16  178,048  136,919
Current liabilities for right-of-use assets 7.2  4,687  2,978
Current derivatives  17  43  450
Trade and other payables  15  125,520  142,981
Current tax liabilities  18  4,783  16,210
Other current provisions 14.3  26,228  26,201
Current liabilities  339,309  325,739
Total liabilities  449,737  440,523
Total equity and liabilities 1,407,509 1,347,393

Consolidated income statement

(Thousands of euros)    Notes     2023  2022
Sales and rendered services 20.1  1.225,79  1.201,03
Changes in inventory of finished goods and work in progress  53.146  38,723
Consumption of raw materials and consumables  -474.113  -428,03
Other operating income 20.2  15,052  8,564
Staff costs 20.3  -270,086  -262,188
Other operating expenses 20.4  -280,901  -290,966
Amortisation of intangible assets 5.1  -4,792  -4,782
Depreciation expenses on tangible fixed assets  6  -73,628  -68,076
Right-of-use asset depreciation expense 7.1  -5,293  -5,289
Impairment gains (losses) on disposal of non-current assets  -486  42
Operating profit  184,686  189,026
Finance income 20.5  846  1,194
Finance costs 20.5  -6,900  -1,370
Losses on non-trade receivables 20.5  22  -17
Exchange gains (losses) 20.5  -9,748  -5,044
Profit before taxes  168,906  183,789
Income tax expense  18  -27,944  -44,359
Profit for the year from continuing operations  140,962  139,430
Profit for the year  140,962  139,430

Earnings per share

    Notes      2023  2022
Basic earnings per share         3.05 3.02
Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations  21 3.05 3.02
Diluted earnings per share 3.04 3.00
Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations  21 3.04 3.00

Consolidated statements of other comprehensive income

(Thousands of euros)     Notes      2023  2022
Profit for the year attributable to the parent company  140,962  139,43
Other comprehensive income
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods before tax
Other comprehensive income, before tax, actuarial pension gains and losses 14.1  -992  8,593
Total other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss before tax  -992  8,593
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods before tax
Foreign exchange translation gains (losses)
Gains or losses on translation differences on foreign transactions before tax 12.3  2,532  32,115
Other comprehensive income, before tax, foreign exchange translation gains (losses)  2,532  32,115
Cash flow hedges
Gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, before taxes 12.5  -586  2,757
Other comprehensive income, before taxes, cash flow differences  -586  2,757
Total other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss before tax  1,946  34,872
Total other comprehensive income before tax  954  43,465
Income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
Income tax related to remeasurements of defined benefit plans included in other comprehensive income 14.1  693  -1,997
Aggregate income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income not to be reclassified into profit or loss  693  -1,997
Income taxes related to cash flow hedges included in other comprehensive income 12.5  54  -666
Aggregate income tax relating to components of other comprehensive income to be reclassified into profit or loss          54  -666
Other comprehensive income  1,701  40,802
Comprehensive income  142,663  180,232

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

 2023     Share capital emission reserves treasury fiscal year valuation account
(Thousands of euros) Equity
Share capital Share premium (Note 12.2) Reserves Treasury shares (Note 12.4) Profit for the year attributable to parent company Interim dividend Valuation adjustments
(Note 12.1) (Note 12.3) (Note 12.6) (Note 12.5)
Opening balance as at 1 January 2023  32,550  12  813,145  -16,181  139,430  -64,644  2,558  906,87
Changes in equity
Total recognised income and (expense)      0  0  2,233  0  140,962  0  -532  142,663
Dividends paid  0  0  -24,945  0  0  -64,563  0  -89,508
Transfers between equity accounts  0  0  74,786  0  -139,43  64,644  0  0
Movement in treasury shares  0  0  0  -5,490  0  0  0  -5,490
Transactions with non-controlling interests  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
Share-based payment expenses  0  0  3,237  0  0  0  0  3,237
Total increase (decrease) in equity  0  0  55,311  -5,490  1,532  81  -532  50,902
Closing balance as at 31 December 2023  32,550  12  868,456  -21,671  140,962  -64,563  2,026  957,772

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

(Thousands of euros) Equity
Share capital Share premium (Note 12.2) Reserves Treasury shares (Note 12.4) Profit for the year attributable to parent company Interim dividend Valuation adjustments
(Note 12.1) (Note 12.3) (Note 12.6) (Note 12.5)
Opening balance as at 1 January 2022  32,550 €  12  732,103  -10,473  132,997  -64,880 €  467  822,776
Changes in equity
Total recognised income and (expense)  0  0  38,711  0  139,430  0  2,091  180,232
Dividends paid  0  0  -19,873  0  0  -64,644  0  -84,517
Transfers between equity accounts  0  0  68,117  0  -132,997  64,880  0  0
Movement in treasury shares  0  0  -7,494  -5,708  0  0  0  -13,202
Transactions with non-controlling interests  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
Share-based payment expenses  0  0  1,581  0  0  0  0  1,581
Total increase (decrease) in equity  0  0  81,042  -5,708  6,433  236  2,091  84,094
Closing balance as at 31 December 2022  32,550  12  813,145  -16,181  139,430  -64,644  2,558  906,870

Consolidated statement of cash flows

(Thousands of euros)     Notes      2023  2022
Profit for the year after tax  140,962  139,430
Adjustments for income tax expense  18  27,944  44,360
Adjustment for inventory write-down (increase)  -66,607  -69,069
Adjustment for decrease (increase) in accounts receivable  -5,314  -47,708
Adjustment for (decrease) increases in accounts payable  -18,725  10,674
Adjustment for depreciation expenses  83,713  78,148
Impairment of goodwill
Changes in provisions  7,614  4,586
Interest income adjustment 20.5  -846  -1,194
Interest expense adjustment 20.5  6,900  1,370
Exchange gains (losses), net 20.5  9,748  5,044
Share-based payment  2,346  1,581
Losses in business combination 2.1
Other adjustments  -172  -377
Adjustments to reconcile profit before tax to net cash flows  46,601  27,415
Net cash flows from (used in) operations  187,563  166,845
Income tax payments  18  -41,223  -44,012
Contributions and other payments, related to pension plans  -630  -2,104
Net cash generated by operating activities  145,710  120,729
acquired 2.1
Payments for the acquisition of tangible and intangible fixed assets  -77,126  -115,566
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets  1,158  423
Interest collected  846  1,194
Net cash from investing activities  -75,122  -113,949
Provisions of financial debt 12.1  156,365  108,636
Financial debt repayments 12.1  -117,957  -49,734
Acquisition of treasury shares  -6,264  -12,231
Dividends paid to shareholders of the parent company  -89,508  -84,517
Interest paid 12.1  -6,275  -1,569
Payments for right-of-use assets 12.1  -5,296  -5,289
Other financial liabilities (net)  -1,781  -3,751
Net cash from financing activities  -70,716  -48,455
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates  -128  -41,675
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents  931  1,516
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents  803  -40,159
Cash and cash equivalents as of 1 January  11  51,193  91,352
Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December  11  51,996  51,193

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