
Prevention of corruption, fraud, and money laundering

The Global Risk Committee

carries out an analysis of fraud risks, and its different forms are regulated in various policies; and sets specific controls and mechanisms to reduce their likelihood of occurrence. 

As stated in Principle 10 of the United Nations Global Compact, of which Viscofan is a signatory, “Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.”

This principle governs at Viscofan, being expressed in the Code of Conduct, and it has been enacted and reinforced in recent years with the approval by the Board of Directors of the Anti-corruption Policy, and the Crime Prevention Policy, which, encompassed within the Regulatory Compliance System, demonstrate the Group's commitment to the permanent monitoring and sanctioning of fraudulent acts and conduct and the development of a business culture of ethics and honesty.

To avoid any type of corruption, the regulations establish a series of guidelines, and communication and training is encouraged in this area on forbidden procedures that may form the scope of corruption: bribery, extortion, facilitating payments and influence peddling, gifts, business courtesies, donations and sponsorships and relationships with third parties. 

Further, the Global Risk Committee carries out an analysis of fraud risks, and its different forms are regulated in various policies; and sets specific controls and mechanisms to reduce their likelihood of occurrence. The identified risks are: conflict of interest and internal fraud, private corruption, and fraud and misleading advertising.

In addition, the Ethics and Compliance Committee carries out the more specific management of Ethics and Compliance Risks.

The definition and assessment of these is reviewed, evaluated, and the controls in place in the organisation are identified to reduce the likelihood of their occurrence. The identification and assessment of risks and controls is set out in the Ethics and Compliance Risk Map, specifically identifying criminal risks.

In particular, the Group has a control system with financial, tax and commercial policies to combat money laundering, which is considered a low risk.

It should be noted that in 2023, no acts were subject to significant legal actions related to unfair competition, monopolistic practices and against free competition, nor have any processes or complaints been filed due to the breaching of laws or regulations in the social and economic field. 

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