Viscofan is aware of the social impact its activity generates: from direct or indirect employment generated by its implementations, to the financial benefit that it obtains from its activities at each of the different companies at which it operates (note 6 of Viscofan S.A.'s financial statements) for which it contributes through the corresponding taxes. In 2023, income tax payments amounted to €41 million as a result of the Group's business activities in different countries. Additional information on taxes is detailed in note 18 to the consolidated financial statements. There is information about capital grants in note 13 of the consolidated annual accounts.
As a result of the relationships described in the previous point, joint projects have arisen with which we have collaborated and for which we have received financial support through grants and loans from official bodies. In this vein, at 31 December, the financial statements included loans with the CDTI and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in Spain, amounting to €13.7 million (note 16 to the consolidated financial statements).
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