2.6.2. Content index of law 11/2018 on non-financial and diversity information

Contents of Law 11/2018 on Non-financial and diversity information Standard used
Business model Description of the group's business model Brief description of the Group's business model, which will include its business environment, organisation and structure, the markets in which it operates, its objectives and strategies and the main factors and tendencies that may affect its future performance. GRI 2-6. Activities, value chain and other business relationships

GRI 3-2. List of material topics
Information on environmental issues Policies Policies that apply to the Group, which include the due diligence procedures applied in the identification, assessment, prevention and reduction of significant risks and impacts, and of verification and control, together with the measures that have been adopted. GRI 2-23 Policy commitments

GRI 2-24 Embedding policy commitments

GRI 2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts
Main risks Main risks related with these matters linked to Group activities, among them, when they are pertinent and proportioned, their commercial relations, products or services that may have negative effects on these areas, and on how the Group manages these risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them, in accordance with the benchmark national, European or international frameworks for each area. Information must be included on the impacts detected, offering a breakdown of them, in particular, on the main short-, medium- and long-term risks. GRI 3-2. List of material topics

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change
General Current and foreseeable effects of company activities on environment issues and, where appropriate, health and safety, GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Environmental assessment or certification procedures GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Resources aimed at preventing environmental risks GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Application of precautionary principle GRI 2-3 Policy commitments
Provisions and guarantees for environmental risks GRI 307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations (Autonomous Communities)
Contamination Measures to prevent, reduce or repair the carbon emissions that seriously affect the environment, taking into account any form of specific atmospheric pollution from an activity, including noise and light pollution GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

GRI 305-7 NOx, SOx and other significant atmospheric emissions
Circular economy and prevention and waste management Measures of prevention, recycling, reuse and other forms of recovery and elimination of waste. Action to combat food waste GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 303 Water and effluents

GRI 306-1. Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts

GRI 306-2. Management of significant impacts related with waste

GRI 306-3. Waste generated

GRI 306-4. Waste diverted from disposal
Sustainable use of resources Water consumption and water supply in accordance with local limitations GRI 303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resource

GRI 303-3 Water withdrawal

GRI 303-5 Water consumption
Consumption of raw materials and the measures adopted to improve efficiency of use Confidential
Energy: Direct and indirect consumption; Measures taken to improve energy efficiency. Use of renewable energy GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation

GRI 302-3 Energy intensity

GRI 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption
Climate Change Greenhouse gas emissions GRI 305-1 Direct emissions of GHG (scope 1)

GRI 305-2 Indirect emissions of GHG from generating energy (scope 2)

GRI 305-4 GHG emissions intensity
The measures adopted to adapt to the consequences of climate change GRI 201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions
Reduction goals established voluntarily at medium and long term to reduce GHG emissions and means implemented for this purpose. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Protection of biodiversity Measures taken to preserve or restore biodiversity Non material
Impacts caused by activities or operations in protected areas Non material
Information on social and staff-related issues Policies Policies that apply to the Group, which include the due diligence procedures applied in the identification, assessment, prevention and reduction of significant risks and impacts, and of verification and control, together with the measures that have been adopted. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Main risks Main risks related with these matters linked to Group activities, among them, when they are pertinent and proportioned, their commercial relations, products or services that may have negative effects on these areas, and on how the Group manages these risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them, in accordance with the benchmark national, European or international frameworks for each area. Information must be included on the impacts detected, offering a breakdown of them, in particular, on the main short-, medium- and long-term risks. GRI 3-3. List of material topics

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Employment Total number and distribution of employees by gender, age, country and professional classification GRI 2-7 Employees

GRI 405.1.b) The percentage of employees by employee category for each of the following diversity categories: gender and age group.
Total number and distribution of employment contract types GRI 2-7 Employees
Annual average of permanent, temporary and part-time contracts by gender, age and professional classification GRI 2-7 Employees
Number of dismissals by gender, age and professional classification GRI 401-1.b) Total number and turnover rate of personnel during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region (in relation to dismissals)
Average remuneration and its tendency broken down by gender, age and professional classification or equal value GRI 405-2: Ratio of base salary and remuneration of women to men for each job category
Salary gap GRI 405-2: Ratio of base salary and remuneration of women to men for each job category.
Remuneration of equal or average work posts of the company GRI 405-2 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage
The average remuneration of directors and executives, including variable remuneration, attendance fees, indemnity payments, payments to long-term savings insurance schemes and any other benefit broken down by gender GRI 2-19 Remuneration policies

GRI 2-20 Process for determining remuneration
Implementation of employment disconnection measures GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Employees with functional diversity GRI 405-1. b) Percentage of employees by employment category for each of the following diversity categories (iii. Vulnerable groups).
Work organisation Organisation of working time GRI 2-7 Employees

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Number of hours of absenteeism GRI 403-2 Types of accidents and ratios of occupational accidents, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of related deaths (section a)
Measures aimed at facilitating a work-life balance and promoting co-responsible care by both parents. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Health and safety Occupational health and safety conditions GRI 3-3. Management of material topics GRI 403-1 Occupational health and safety management system

GRI 403-2 Hazard identification, risk assessment and incident investigation
GRI 403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safety
Occupational accidents (frequency and seriousness) broken down by gender GRI 403-9 a) Work-related injuries
Occupational accidents (frequency and seriousness) broken down by gender GRI 403-10 a) Work-related ill health
Social relations Organisation of social dialogue, including the procedures to inform on and consult employees and negotiate with them GRI 2-29. Approach for the participation of stakeholders

GRI 402-1 Minimum warning periods for operational changes

GRI 403-4 Participation of workers, queries and notifications on occupational health and safety
Mechanisms and procedures in place the company has in place to promote the involvement of workers in the workers in the management of the company, in terms of information, with GRI 3-3 Management of material materials
Percentage of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement by country GRI 2-30 Collective bargaining agreements
Balance of collective bargaining agreements, especially in the area of occupational health and safety GRI 403-8 Occupational health and safety management system coverage
Training Policies implemented in the training area GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Total number of training hours by professional category GRI 404-1 Average training hours per employee per year
Accessibility Universal accessibility of the people with functional diversity. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination)
Equality Measures adopted to promote equal treatment and opportunities between men and women GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities)
Equality plans GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination)
Measures adopted to promote employment GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Employment)
Protocols to counter sexual harassment due to gender GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination)
Universal integration and accessibility of the people with functional diversity GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination)
Policy against all type of discrimination and, where appropriate, to manage diversity GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Diversity and equal opportunities and non-discrimination)

GRI 406-1 Cases of discrimination and corrective actions undertaken
Information on respect for human rights Policies Policies that apply to the Group, which include the due diligence procedures applied in the identification, assessment, prevention and reduction of significant risks and impacts, and of verification and control, together with the measures that have been adopted. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 412-2 Training of employees in human rights policies or procedures
Main risks Main risks related with these matters linked to Group activities, among them, when they are pertinent and proportioned, their commercial relations, products or services that may have negative effects on these areas, and on how the Group manages these risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them, in accordance with the benchmark national, European or international frameworks for each area. Information must be included on the impacts detected, offering a breakdown of them, in particular, on the main short-, medium- and long-term risks. GRI 3-2. List of material topics

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Human rights Application of due diligence procedures to human rights GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Human Rights evaluation)
Prevention of the risks of breaching human rights and, where appropriate, measures to reduce, manage and repair possible abuse committed GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Human Rights evaluation)

GRI 412-1 Operations subject to impact assessments or reviews on human rights
Complaints regarding human rights breaches GRI 2-16 Communication of critical concerns

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Human Rights evaluation)

GRI 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic fields
Promotion of and compliance with the provisions of the ILO's fundamental agreements related with respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of employment discrimination and occupation, the elimination of forced and obligatory labour and the effective abolition of child labour GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (non-discrimination; freedom of association and collective bargaining; child labour; forced or compulsory labour and human rights)
Information related to the fight against corruption and bribery Policies Policies that apply to the Group, which include the due diligence procedures applied in the identification, assessment, prevention and reduction of significant risks and impacts, and of verification and control, together with the measures that have been adopted. GRI 2-23. Commitments and policies

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Main risks Main risks related with these matters linked to Group activities, among them, when they are pertinent and proportioned, their commercial relations, products or services that may have negative effects on these areas, and on how the Group manages these risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them, in accordance with the benchmark national, European or international frameworks for each area. Information must be included on the impacts detected, offering a breakdown of them, in particular, on the main short-, medium- and long-term risks. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Corruption and bribery Measures adopted to prevent corruption and bribery GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Measures to combat money laundering GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (anti-corruption)
Contributions to foundations and non-profit organisations GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (anti-corruption)

GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (Investments in the Community)

GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts
Company information Policies Policies that apply to the Group, which include the due diligence procedures applied in the identification, assessment, prevention and reduction of significant risks and impacts, and of verification and control, together with the measures that have been adopted. GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Main risks Main risks related with these matters linked to Group activities, among them, when they are pertinent and proportioned, their commercial relations, products or services that may have negative effects on these areas, and on how the Group manages these risks, explaining the procedures used to detect and assess them, in accordance with the benchmark national, European or international frameworks for each area. Information must be included on the impacts detected, offering a breakdown of them, in particular, on the main short-, medium- and long-term risks. GRI 3-2. List of material topics

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics
Commitment of the company to sustainable development Impact of the company's activity on employment and local development GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts

GRI 204-1 Proportion of expense with local suppliers.

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes
Impact of the company's activity on local towns and on territory GRI 203-2 Significant indirect financial impacts

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes
Relationships with local community players and dialogue systems with them GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (relating to community)

GRI 413-1 Operations with local community participation, impact assessments and development programmes
Association or sponsorship actions GRI 2-28 Affiliation to associations

GRI 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed (Investments in the Community)
Outsourcing and suppliers Inclusion in the purchasing policy of social, gender equality and environmental issues GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Environmental and social assessment of suppliers)
Consideration in relationships with suppliers and subcontractors in their social and environmental responsibility GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (Environmental and social assessment of suppliers)

GRI 308-1 New suppliers that have passed assessment and screening filters
according to environmental criteria

GRI 407-1 Operations and suppliers whose right to freedom of association and collective bargaining could be at risk

GRI 409-1 Operations and suppliers with significant risk of cases of forced or compulsory labour

GRI 414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteria
Supervision and audit systems and their outcome GRI308-1 New suppliers that have been assessed according to environmental criteria
Consumers Measures for the health and safety of consumers GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (health and safety of customers)

GRI 416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of the categories of products or services

GRI 417-1 Requirements for information and labelling of products and services
Systems to process claims, complaints received and their resolution GRI 2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns

GRI 3-3. Management of material topics (health and safety of customers)

GRI 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy
and losses of customer data.
Tax information Profits obtained by country GRI 207-4 Country-by-country reporting
Income tax paid GRI 207-4 Country-by-country reporting
Public grants received GRI 201-4 Financial aid received from the government

Scope: Taxonomy
Reporting Framework: EU 2020/852 regulation

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