Commitment to our communities

The human rights principles and standards set out in the  Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development a wide range of social, economic and environmental objectives. Our of all of these, Viscofan has identified the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) where the company can generate the greatest positive impact, and to do so it has taken into account both the nature of its business activity and the corporate mission and vision. 

The description of Viscofan's priority SDGs can be found in section 2.1.2 Business Model of this Management Report. Viscofan also contributes to other SDGs with projects to support local communities in several countries where it is present. As a whole, the amount earmarked in 2023 was €228 thousand (€305 thousand in 2022).

Within the projects Viscofan contributes with donations to the improvement of facilities and health equipment in hospitals, senior citizen centres, paediatric centres and centres for the care of people with functional diversity in various countries. In addition, donations are made to various NGOs to support local projects and micro-projects in the fight against hunger and poverty. 

Below, are some of the initiatives that most stand out, by country: 


We have a long history of collaboration with institutions or research centres in different countries, which ratifies the historical importance of SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) at the company. In particular, Viscofan is part of and promotes various associations and groups seeking to find ways of collaboration in the industry to increase its contribution to society. These institutions include:

Entre estas instituciones se encuentran:

- International Committee For Cellulose Films (CIPCEL). Based in Brussels, CIPCEL comprises the leading producers of regenerated cellulose film products.

- Collagen Casing Trade Association (CCTA). An association of leading producers of collagen casings worldwide that provides a forum for its members to discuss the development of legislation and actively promote the use of collagen casings.

- Spanish Plastics Centre (CEP). This is the Spanish association of entities relating to the manufacture and processing of plastics.  

- European Association Plastic Converters (EUPC). European association that groups together national plastic converter companies and associations.

- Working group of the Gelatine and Collagen Lebensmittelvberband (Germany). 
An organisation of German gelatin and collagen manufacturers.

- AINIA. Food technological centre based in Spain that supports the R&D tasks of its partners, especially in the areas of quality, food safety, sustainability, environment, design and industrial production.

- ANICE. The Spanish National Association of the Meat Sector is the biggest meat association in Spain to provide advice, represent and defend the sector's interests.

- National Centre for Technology and Food Safety (CNTA). the purpose of which is to provide advanced technological services to improve competitiveness in the food sector through quality and innovation and under the principle of food safety.

- CEO for Alliance for Diversity. An alliance that aims to unite companies around a common innovative vision of diversity, equity and inclusion and to accelerate the development of strategies that contribute to: business excellence, competitive talent in Spain and the reduction of inequality and exclusion in the Spanish society. 

- AIMPLAS. The Plastics Technology Centre offers integral solutions to companies within the plastics sector through the technical implementation of R&D&i projects.

- NAITEC. Multidisciplinary Technology Centre for the Industry.

- CENER (National Centre for Renewable Energy). A prestigious technology centre recognised for its activity, both in Spain and in other countries, which carries out applied research in renewable energies and provides technological support to energy companies and institutions in five areas: wind, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and biomass energy, energy transition in cities, grid integration, and electrical and hydrogen storage.  

- CEIN (European Business and Innovation Centre in Navarra). A centre committed to entrepreneurship, innovation, growth and business collaboration in Navarra. 

- IndesIA. An association promoting the use of artificial intelligence and big data to make Spanish industry a global benchmark. 

- The Consejo España – EE. UU Foundation. A civil society initiative that promotes dialogue and aims to strengthen the ties between Spain and the United States to heighten mutual understanding.

Viscofan also collaborates with different universities and research centres:

- University of Navarre (Spain)

- Public University of Navarre (Spain)

- CIDAUT Foundation for Research and Development in Transport and Energy (Valladolid, Spain)

- MORE Institute Research (Germany)

- Hochschule Manheim Fraunhofer Institute (Germany)

- Tübingen University (Germany)

- Sao Paulo University (Brazil)

- Suzhou University (China)

- Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC)

- University of the Basque Country (Spain)

Viscofan is importantly supported by the different administrations of the countries where it develops R&D activities,

The principal issues on which these collaborations are based are: food safety, analysis and development of new materials, process and food industry engineering, advanced physical and chemical analysis, basic research on materials and alternative uses and other packaging systems.

Moreover, Viscofan is importantly supported by the different administrations of the countries where it develops R&D activities, for example: the Centre for Technical Industrial Development (CDTI) and the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) in Spain, the Federal Ministry of Education Research in Germany, the National Science and Technology Council (CONACYT) in Mexico, the Institute for Technological Research (IPT) in Brazil and the Federal, Illinois and New Jersey R&D Credit of the US Federal Government, the State of Illinois and the State of New Jersey. 

In 2020, two regenerative biomedicine research consortiums were approved – ARDAT and TriAnkle - in which Viscofan BioEngineering continues to participate and lead in 2023, together with other leading bodies and public-private companies. The ARDAT consortium, backed by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), brings together 34 expert organisations throughout the whole of Europe and the USA, with the shared objective of helping to standardise and accelerate the development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) and contributing to ensuring that these transforming treatments reach patients as soon as possible. Also, the research consortium TriAnkle, led by Viscofan, will permit the 3D manufacture of personalised implants based on collagen and gelatine to regenerate injured tendons and cartilage, representing an innovative technique that will enable a greater and more rapid recovery of tissue.


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