2.6.3. Alternative Performance Measures

The Viscofan Group has included in this report various Alternative Performance Measures (hereinafter APMs), as established in APM Guidelines published by the European Securities and Markets Authority on 5 October 2015 (ESMA/2015/1415es) and adopted by the National Securities Market Commission (the CNMV).

This involves a series of measures designed using the financial information of Viscofan, S.A. and its subsidiary companies, and they are complementary to the financial information drawn up in agreement with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Under no circumstance should they be assessed separately or considered a substitute. 

They are measures used internally in decision-making processes and which the Board of Directors decides to report externally if it believes they provide additional information that is useful in the analysis and assessment of the Viscofan Group's results and its financial situation.

The APMs included in this report are as follows:

-      The EBITDA, or operating income before depreciation and amortisation, is calculated excluding depreciation and amortisation costs from the operating profit. The EBITDA is a measure commonly reported and widespread among analysts, investors and other stakeholders in the casing industry. The Viscofan Group uses this measure to monitor the business' development and to establish operational and strategic objectives in Group companies. However, it is not a defined indicator in IFRS and, therefore, it may not be compared with other similar indicators employed by other companies in their reports.

-      Consumption costs: This is calculated as the net amount of supplies plus the change in finished and unfinished products. Management monitors consumption costs as one of the main cost components for Viscofan. The weight of this cost component on income or gross margin is also analysed to study the operating margin's development. However, it is not a defined indicator in IFRS and consumption costs must not be considered a substitute for the different items in the profit and loss account that comprise them. Furthermore, it may not be compared with other similar indicators employed by other companies in their reports.

-      Net bank debt: This is calculated as non-current borrowings plus current borrowings netted from cash and cash equivalents. Management considers net bank debt to be relevant to shareholders and other stakeholders as it provides an analysis of the Group's solvency. However, net bank debt should not be considered a substitute for gross bank debt in the consolidated balance sheet, nor other liability or asset items that may affect the Group's solvency.

-      Like-for-like income and EBITDA: This measure excludes the impact of exchange rate fluctuations compared to the previous comparable period to present a like-for-like comparison of the Viscofan Group's performance. However, like-for-like income and EBITDA are not defined indicators in IFRS and, therefore, they may not be compared with other similar indicators employed by other companies in their reports, nor may they be considered a substitute for the business development indicators defined in IFRS.

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