1. Description and principal activities

Viscofan, S.A. (hereinafter the Company or the Parent) was incorporated in Spain as a limited liability company for an indefinite period on 17 October 1975 under the name Viscofan, Industria Navarra de Envolturas Celulósicas, S.A. At the Annual General Meeting held on 17 June 2002 the shareholders agreed to change the name of the Company to the current one.

Under articles 73 and subsequent, in relation to article 71, of Law 3/2009, of 3 April on the structural amendments of companies, the Board of Directors of Viscofan, S.A. and the Board of Directors of Viscofan España, S.L.U., on 25 February 2021, proceeded to draft and sign a common unbundling project whereby the Company unbundles a part of its assets that constitute an autonomous economic unit and it transfers it en bloc by universal succession to Viscofan España S.L.U.

Until the proposed spin-off and contribution of the business line described above, the core business consisted on the manufacture and commercialization of all types of casings and films for food use; collagen-based products for food use and bioengineering; and the production of electricity for sale to third parties obtained through cogeneration systems. As a consequence of the spin-off project, the main activity corresponds to the acquisition, holding, enjoyment, administration in general and disposal of all kinds of securities.

The head offices and registered office are located in Polígono Industrial Berroa, Calle Berroa, 15 - 4ª Planta, 31192 Tajonar - Navarra (Spain) and its main activity is carried out in the centres of Cáseda and Urdiain (Navarra).

The Company is in turn the parent company of a group of companies (the Viscofan Group or the Group) which are mainly active in the manufacture, distribution and commercialization of all types of casings and films for food use; collagen-based products for food use and bioengineering; and the production of electrical energy for sale to third parties obtained through cogeneration systems.

The entirety of Viscofan S.A.'s shares have been listed since 1986, and are quoted on the Spanish electronic trading platform (continuous market).

The 2022 Consolidated Financial Statements were approved at the Annual General Meeting held on 27 April 2023.

The Parent Company’s Board of Directors expects these 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements, prepared on 29 February 2024, to be approved by the shareholders in Annual General Meeting without modification.

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