7. Right-of-use

This note provides information on the rights of use under which the Group is a lessee.

7.1. Right-of-use assets

The balance sheet shows the following amounts related to rights of use:

Thousands of euros
Buildings Plant and equipment Other installations, tools and furniture Property, plant, and equipment Amortisation and depreciation Total
Opening balance as at 1 January 2022  18,114  1,624  0  5,758  -11,528  13,968
Exchange gains (losses)  246  7  0  70  -123  200
Additions  188  173  0  1,272  -5,289  -3,656
Disposals  -2,517  -82  0  -961  3,628  68
Transfers  0  0  0  0  0  0
Opening balance as at 1 January 2023  16,031  1,722  0  6,139  -13,312  10,58
Exchange gains (losses)  -160  -8  0  -31  136  -63
Additions  3,432  844  0  2,278  -5,293  1,261
Disposals  -1,254  -1,177  0  -1,045  3,275  -201
Transfers  250  0  0  -783  533  0
Closing balance as at 31 December 2023  18,299  1,381  0  6,558  -14,661  11,577

The balances of this heading at 31 December 2023 and 2022 are the following:

Thousands of euros
31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Cost Amortisation and depreciation Total Cost Amortisation and depreciation Total
Buildings  18,299  -10,674  7,625  16,031  -8,702  7,329
Plant and equipment  1,381  -576  805  1,722  -1,333  389
Property, plant, and equipment  6,558  -3,411  3,147  6,139  -3,277  2,862
TOTAL  26,238  -14,661  11,577  23,892  -13,312  10,580

Additions to right-of-use assets in 2023 amounted to 6,554 thousand euros; 1,633 thousand euros in 2022.

7.2. Right-of-use liabilities

The balance sheet shows the following amounts related to rights of use:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Up to 3 months  442  598
3 months – 1 year  4,245  2,380
Current  4,687  2,978
Between 1 and 5 years  6,418  6,452
More than 5 years  436  1,060
Non-current  6,854  7,512
Total as at 31 December  11,541  10,490

The Group leases warehouses, offices and vehicles. Leases are usually for fixed periods, but may have options for extension.

Some property leases contain payment terms generally linked to inflation. There are no other variable payments. 

Extension and termination options are included in a number of warehouse and office leases throughout the Group. The lease term incorporates options for extension or termination, with a maximum term generally of 10 years unless the extension term is shorter. No other assets have been identified within leased items whose useful life exceeds the term of the lease.

As a result of the changes in IAS 12 (Note 3.1), deferred tax assets and liabilities associated with these items have been recognised (Note 18) during the year, bearing no effect on the income statement.

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