20. Revenue and operating expenses

20.1. Sales and rendered services

The sales and services provided in the consolidated income statement include the delivery of goods to customers, services rendered in the course of the Group's ordinary activities and the sale of energy, net of sales-related taxes.

The detail of this heading for 2023 and 2022 is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Turnover corresponding to Traditional Business  985,305  963,089
Turnover corresponding to New Business  151,521  144,465
Turnover corresponding to energy  88,961  93,474
Total 1,225,787 1,201,028

Ordinary income from external customers can be traced to the sale of casings and film for food use and other applications, generally made to manufacturers of cold meats, as well as, to a lesser extent, the generation of electricity for sale to third parties through cogeneration systems. 

In terms of the sale of casings and film, the Group considers that there is only one type of customer contract: sales correspond to a single performance obligation and are made at a moment in time. 

In terms of the sales of electricity produced, they are recognised as the energy generated by cogeneration systems is produced and delivered.

20.2. Other income

The breakdown of "Other Operating Income" for 2023 and 2022 is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Work carried out by the Group on non-current assets  1,366  386
Capital grants (Note 13)  131  200
Other operating income  13,555  7,978
Total other income  15,052  8,564

There is no breach of the conditions or contingencies associated to grants received.

20.3. Staff costs

The breakdown of "Staff costs" in 2023 and 2022 is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Wages, salaries, and assimilated  210,861  203,984
Penalties   1,037  1,676
Current service cost of defined benefit plans (Note 14.1)  215  340
Social Security charged to the company  39,158  38,541
Other social charges and taxes  18,815  17,647
Total staff costs  270,086  262,188

Group employees during 2023 and 2022, by professional category and gender, were as follows: 

Headcount at the end of the period
Men Women Total 2023 Men Women Total 2022
Senior executives  101  29  130  109  27  136
Technicians and department heads  945  373  1,318  958  368  1,326
Administrative personnel  62  192  254  53  190  243
Specialised personnel  686  238  924  720  239  959
Workers  1,967  739  2,706  2,059  787  2,846
Total  3,761  1,571  5,332  3,899  1,611  5,51

Average headcount
Men Women Total 2023 Men Women Total 2022
Senior executives  101  29  130  107  26  133
Technicians and department heads  944  360  1,304  932  357  1,289
Administrative personnel  54  187  241  54  178  232
Specialised personnel  692  224  916  699  230  929
Workers  2,006  749  2,755  1,991  743  2,734
Total  3,797  1,549  5,346  3,783  1,534  5,317

Due to the circumstances of the production process, since 3 May 2017, and renewed on 13 November 2023, Viscofan S.A. has reported, through Resolution 313/2023 of the Directorate of the Navarre Employment Service, the recognition of exceptionality that justifies adopting alternative measures to comply with the reserve quota in favour of disabled workers and authorises, as an alternative measure, the signing of civil or commercial contracts with Special Employment Centres, for a period of three years.

Employees, in companies located in Spain, with a recognised level of disability equal to or higher than 33%, reported in accordance with Royal Decree 602/2016 of 2 December, amount to 5 workers (4 operators and 1 administrative); the figures for 2022 include 4 workers (3 operators and 1 administrative).

The Group works with special employment centres in Spain and in other countries to perform certain tasks that contribute to the development of our production activity.

The Group had a total number of 66 disabled employees (60 men and 6 women). In 2022, the Group had a total number of 71 disabled employees (65 men and 6 women).

20.4. Other operating expenses

The detail of "Other operating expenses" for 2023 and 2022 is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Research and development expenditure  3,6  3,35
Repairs and maintenance  33,665  34,705
Environment  10,352  9,438
Utilities  97,418  99,146
Plant costs (security, cleaning and others)  38,508  38,953
Leases  8,009  5,637
Insurance premiums  8,419  8,391
Taxes  4,202  3,924
Business and administrative expenses  68,668  75,63
Other operating expenses  8,06  11,792
Total other operating expenses  280,901  290,966

"Lease" expenses include fees as well as short-term rentals not affected by IFRS 16 Leases.

20.5. Financial income and expense

The breakdown of financial income and expenses for 2023 and 2022, according to the origin of the items making it up, is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Finance income  846  1,194
Amounts owed to credit institutions and other financial liabilities  -6,272  -1,533
Net financial cost of pension plans and long-term remuneration  -628  163
Finance costs  -6,9  -1,37
Fair value adjustment to financial investments  22  -17
Exchange gains  24,42  30,751
Exchange losses  -34,168  -35,795
Exchange gains (losses)  -9,748  -5,044
Total financial income (expenses)  -15,78  -5,237

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