15. Trade and other payables

The breakdown of "Trade and other payables" is as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Suppliers  43,578  55,363
Accounts payable for services rendered and other accounts payable  36,461  42,851
Customer advances  3,613  2,036
Wages and salaries payable  18,058  21,154
Trade payables  101,71  121,404
Payable to public administrations  23,81  21,577
Other accounts payable  23,81  21,577
Closing balance as at 31 December  125,52  142,981

The breakdown by currency of trade payables is as follows:

Thousands of euros
Euros US Dollar Czech Koruna Brazilian Real Mexican Peso Chinese Yuan Other currencies Total book value
 2023  47,622  22,664  4,087  5,374  5,928  3,822  12,213  101,71
 2022  52,727  35,291  4,977  5,597  6,733  4,671  11,408  121,404

At 31 December 2023 and 2022, balances payable to public administrations were as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
VAT payable to Public Treasury  6,617  7,01
Payable to Public Treasury for withholdings  13,261  11,587
Creditor social security bodies  3,438  2,58
Other public bodies  494  400
Closing balance as at 31 December  23,81  21,577

A breakdown by currency is as follows:

Thousands of euros
Euros US Dollar Czech Koruna Brazilian Real Mexican Peso Chinese Yuan Other currencies Total book value
 2023  16,038  122  504  2,766  3,18  438  762  23,81
 2022  14,536  82  542  1,501  2,838  1,367  711  21,577

Information on late payments to suppliers in Spain in commercial transactions

In accordance with the third additional provision "Disclosure requirements" of Law 15/2010, dated 5 July, information on the average payment period to Spanish Group suppliers of the Spanish entities included in the consolidated group was as follows:

 2023  2022
Average supplier payment period 21.2 23.7
Ratio of paid transactions 20.7 23.8
Ratio of transactions pending payment 26.1 22.5

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Total payments made  229,909  256,59
Total future payments  21,319  12,243
Monetary volume paid in a period shorter than the maximum period laid down in the late payment regulations  229,475  268,264
Invoices paid in a period shorter than the maximum period established in the late payment regulations  16,338
Percentage share of total monetary payments to their suppliers 99.81 %
Percentage share of total number of invoices 99.66 %

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