8. Inventories

Details of inventories at 31 December 2023 and 2022 are as follows:

Thousands of euros
 2023  2022
Raw materials and other consumables  101,979  112,784
Semi-finished products  102,053  86,037
Finished products  195,552  158,255
Commercial inventories  13,293  9,415
Greenhouse gas emission rights  25,301  11,404
Advances to suppliers  4,714  3,893
Total Inventories  442,892  381,788

The valuation adjustments in 2023, corresponding to inventory impairment and obsolescence, entailed an expense of 6,409 thousand euros (an expense of 2,829 thousand euros in 2022), and they are recognised under "Consumption of raw materials and other consumables" and “Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress” in the consolidated income statement.

The emission rights consumed by the Company during 2023 and 2022 amounted to 294,406 and 317,106 tonnes, respectively.

The amount of the expense related to greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 was recognised under "Consumption of raw materials and other consumables" in the amount of 22,605 thousand euros (21,492 thousand euros in 2022).

Group companies have contracted various insurance policies to cover the risk of damage to inventories. The coverage of these policies is considered sufficient.

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