26. Audit fees

In the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022, the auditors of the Group's consolidated Financial Statements, PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores, S.L. and other companies with which the company has one of the links defined in the fourteenth additional disposition of the Law on Measures to Reform the Financial System, have accrued net fees for professional services, with the exception of "Other Services", which are based on their billing date, as follows:

Thousands of euros
FY 2023 In the parent company In the rest of the companies Total
PwC Auditores, S.L.  127  151  278
PwC Network  0  548  548
Audit services  127  699  826
PwC Auditores, S.L.  4  11  15
PwC Network  0  38  38
Other audit-related services  4  49  53
Total as at 31 December 2023  131  748  879


Thousands of euros
FY 2022 In the parent company In the rest of the companies Total
PwC Auditores, S.L.  125  150  275
PwC Network  0  479  479
Audit services  125  629  754
PwC Auditores, S.L.  7  1  8
PwC Network  0  36  36
Other audit-related services  7  37  44
Total as at 31 December 2022  132  666  798

The amount of the audit fees with firms other than the main auditor totalled 130 thousand euros (139 thousand euros in 2022).

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